Raffia is a natural fiber derived from the leaves of the Raffia Palm, a tree native to the tropical regions of Africa. It is widely found in Madagascar, the tropics of South America, and the islands of the Indian Ocean. This versatile fiber is commonly used to craft mats, baskets, and other woven goods.

Parasisal is a fine, high-quality natural straw made from sisal, available in grades ranging from one to five. Known for its delicate texture yet resilient wear, it is often reserved for crafting expensive hats. The straw takes dye exceptionally well and features a two-over-two weave for added elegance. This particular parasisal is a rare deadstock material from the 1960s.


Wool felt is crafted from the fleece of sheep, sheared once a year and treated to become felt. This material is not only luxurious but also eco-friendly, as it is made from recycled materials.

Mohair is sourced from the Angora goat, sheared twice a year in the spring and fall. After cleaning the fleece to remove dirt, debris, and grease, it is used to create felt. This particular mohair is deadstock material from the 1970s, dyed with natural pigments, making it both a rare and sustainable choice.

Rabbit felt is crafted from the soft under-fur of the rabbit, not the coarse outer hairs. This downy fur contains barb-like projections that help lock the fibers together, creating a strong and durable felt. After the long hairs are removed, the remaining under-fur is treated to enhance the barbs for optimal felting. Rabbit felt hats are known for their lightness, smooth texture, and ability to maintain their shape while withstanding weather. This particular material is a deadstock synthetic crino from the 1960s.

All hats have a gros grain in 100% cotton for sweatband